Tuesday, April 17, 2007

TEC290 #1

In the article by USA today it says that students feel that teachers lack in technology compared to them. I would agree. I think that children are far more computer literate than the teachers. I think the gap is slowly closing, but it is still very wide. I feel that part of the reason is the teachers of today did not grow up with home computers, computers in the classroom, and technology classes beginning in preschool. I know I did not work on a computer until I was in 5th grade and it was an old apple that taught the basic keyboarding skills. There was no internet surfing to allow me to explore what was out there. I think that with the NCLB laws it is placing a lot of pressure on teachers to get students prepared for the test. How can one expect teachers to get fluent with computers if all class time is precious for testing purposes?
http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/os/technology/plan/2004/site/edlite-default.html http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/os/technology/plan/2004/site/edlite-default.htmlI couldn’t get this site to work for me!!!!

The NETS article was more informational that I anticipated. I think it is good that the project is by teachers for teachers. Who knows better what children should know and learn then those that teach them. I do not know if there are Kansas standards for technology. It seems there are standards for everything so I am sure there is. I will have to do some research and find out!

Adopt and Adapt
This article has some very good points I agree with. I think that we are reluctant as teachers to change. I think it is hard as a new educator to go against the norm. One is in fear of not having a job the next year. I think that it will take the young educators to bring the new technology up to speed in the classroom however it is a catch 22. By bring in new things one can suffer consequences from supervisors, and parents. If the technology is not brought in, children are not getting the most out of their education. I agree with the author that if we make the most up to date technology available children will learn faster.
The area I found most interesting in this article was where it talked about students that excel in the classroom but struggle online. I can relate to this. This is my first online course and I don’t wish to take another. I don’t feel that the teaching was bad in anyway shape or form. I have learned quite a bit from this class which I will share later in this assignment. I do however feel very overwhelmed by all the content covered. I think if I were able to see a real life person explain the technology and watch them go through the steps I would learn better. I do like the flexibility of being able to pick up the class when I have time (which I never seem to have enough). I also thought in this article it was interesting how they believe that not only will the highschool be taking virtual classes but soon the elementary. I don’t know if as a future educator I am ready for that!